Sep 7, 2010

Sorry i was gone this weekend... Offering of peace :)

Pamela Anderson Wants You……

…to make a movie with her. As part of a campaign for a new Nokia smartphone, you can win the chance to star in a short film shot entirely on phones. YAY!!!! The less appealing part is its not a sex tape. I love Pamela, and would gladly take her Hep C if she wanted to give it to me, but these ad campaigns are just a little bit silly.


  1. the 90s called: they want their retarded skank back

  2. Cool story bro. Showing support!

  3. Dont you worry sweetcheeks, everybody gotta take a break once in a while. :)

    anyway.. check my blog i discovered sumfin which is pretty much likely to drive me nuts! ( or is about to drive my nuts back to.. ahh nvmd =

    smoochies and well creamy poopies :*

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